Sunday, April 12, 2009


Have you ever been in a situation so bad that you feel like you are stuck in mud and instead of pulling yourself out, you are being sucked down faster than you know it? And, just when there's a glimpse of hope to get out of the mud pit, you are sucked right back down again. This was what my life has been like for the last couple of weeks. I thought this past weekend had the glimpse of hope I worked so hard towards, but in the end it was just all an illusion. I'm still stuck in mud. Such great disappointment. When am I going to get out of the mud pit!

Friday, April 10, 2009


This is so rare! Kitties love each other afterall!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

On the way home...

Most days I'm just bored out of my mind driving home from work being stuck in traffic jam. Some days I use surface streets to get home and I get to pretend I'm a tourist, that is if I'm in the mood to even pay attention to all the shops and building around the cities I drive through.

Today was kind of a good day for that kind of drive... breezy weather, not too much traffic and before the rain... so I took some snapshots of the things I get to see on the road home...

Cool Car!


I get my coffee here some mornings.

Nice view of clouds before the rain.