Sunday, January 30, 2011

Back to Square One...

My sixth sense rarely fail me, that is... if I listen to it. I rarely do. So, I'm back to square one, still trying to find my way. Maybe I've really missed my calling in life... I don't really know. But, I'm back to riding the horrendously confused colossal roller coaster that I thought I had gotten off of. I don't know what's next in my unstable adventure, but what else can I do but to continue on with this journey. All I want is to be ordinary and have a peaceful life. That just doesn't seem to be possible. Trouble finds me and I don't know how to hide from it. I'm really really tired...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Sky

I'm really loving the way the sky looks these days (after weeks of heavy rain over the holidays). The clouds look like soft cotton and the fresh clear blue sky certainly makes it more pleasurable driving to work in the morning!

I am going to try to get up earlier on weekends to enjoy the beautiful crisp air and the view of the clear blue sky with puffy clouds!