Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is it My B-day AGAIN, already?!!

I cannot believe my birthday has come around once again!  Next week will be the official celebration... but pre-birthday gifts give me lots of joy and excitement too!

"Pre"-Birthday gift number one:
I'm loving my newest addition to my bag collection, the Kate Spade New York "Macdougal Alley" - Small Terrance Metallic Leather tote (boy, that was a mouthful!).

It really isn't that big, not really a tote, but instead is a cute little purse which suits my petite size.  I love it and am very excited about it. =)

"Pre"-Birthday gift number two:
 I've been into closed toe clogs late, although warm weather's rolled around, I still love what I love without regard what the season is.  Winter will come around eventually. =)

I'm  loving these, Ed Hardy Portland Heel - Dark Grey clogs that I got recently.  They go great with gray tights!  I just realized that I'm also very into gray pieces lately.  It seems that I have enough shoes in my shoe closet, but I always tend to have new favorites... So,  I better continue with the purging project that I've been putting off!  Space is running out!

I do love new things, gifts and presents for my birthday.  However, I think the greatest gift this year is knowing and recognizing that I am so blessed... to have my miserable situation reversed (sort of) within one year's time and to have a job in this horrible economy.  I'm thankful that my family and fur babies are safe and in good health.  I cannot nor dare to ask for any much more.  =)